Hello, my name is Jordon Lavelle McClain and welcome to my blog. Join me and embark on an epic journey as I share my thoughts on important issues and successes surrounding both the game industry and gaming culture; while addressing the legitimacy of videogames as an art form. This blog is also serves as a way to share my voice and stand up for what I believe, even if it makes me unpopular. I am a firm believer that videogames do not dictate our behavior, but they do affect us. They can affect us in positive ways, by letting us share our experiences with other people or by giving us a refuge from the troubles of our daily lives. They can also affect us in negative ways, however, that teach us to play for rewards, not for fun, and by monetizing our basic human interests instead of helping us explore them. While games are a business, that business is ran by people who must take responsibility for the products they create and seriously consider the impact that games have in our society. Together, let's stand up for ourselves as well as our medium and truly shape the human experience.