This is Corporate greed at its finest! So Activision can afford to give newly appointed executives $15 million worth of awards as part of their welcoming party, but meanwhile employees are getting laid off and developers are being asked to cut costs. Its as if integrity is rare this day in age with major publishing companies. Nintendo serves as an inspiration by taking pay cuts so that their staff wouldn't suffer as a result of bad sales. To executives, it is always the fault of the workers, it's never their own poor vision or planning.
This is pure selfish! Its such an inflated sense of self-worth taking that much money in compensation while hurting the lives of 800 people. The industry was doomed the moment it shifted its focus from pleasing the consumer to pleasing the investor. It blows my mind that players still support them and attempt to justify their purchases by saying its helping the developers. These companies want game developers and artists to work hard for them to make them money but in the end they're expendable and can be let go at a moment's notice. Is this what the gaming industry ultimately has become? This news was the last few months so I'm a bit behind. Here recently, EA laid off 350 employees to address their challenges. Its crazy how these employees have to suffer for the unethical business practices of these executives who are responsible for it.
I might have to change the title of this blog to, "It's Hard Out Here for a Game Developer!!!"
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